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BCSF Gun 'n Horn Show


Bonner County Sportsmen

Sandpoint, Idaho

Educator of the

Woods and Wildlife
Since 2019

 Gun 'n Horn Show - 1st full weekend in March

February 28th, March 1st and March 2nd, 2025


Show is open    Friday - Noon - 6pm   Saturday - 9am - 6pm   Sunday - 9am  2pm

$5 entry fee per day - kids 12 and under free - weekend pass available for $10


To sign up as a VOLUNTEER contact Gregory at 208 - six one zero - 0598. Help is needed to set up and take down tables, collect admissions, sell raffle tickets, security and so much more! Just an hour or two will enable someone else to take a break and make the show a success. Hope to see you there!


To sign up for a VENDOR TABLE contact Kathy at 208 - two six seven - 8295

Table is $50 for the weekend (subject to change)

You must be present all three days from open to close.


For more information on Horn Entries contact Brian at 208 - six one zero - 1766

Special awards for Deer, Elk and Moose horns   Cougar, Bear and Wolf skulls

Best of Show, Top Women and Top Youth

Enter on Friday only from Noon to 7pm. Bring to the back of the main fairgrounds building, door on the far right.

No charge to enter for official scoring. Entry must be left until the end of show, 3pm on Sunday.

To see photos, visit our Photo Gallery.



© 2013 by Bonner County Sportsmen. all rights preserved.

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